Saturday, May 17, 2014

General English-Propositions

The word Preposition is a word or a group of words that is placed before a Noun or a Pronoun to indicate direction, method, place source etc.


   1)    Mr.Ram was annoyed at the rude behaviour of his son.

   2)    The prolonged illness has reduced him to a skeleton.

   3)    He fell into the well.

   4)    She has been absent since last Friday.

   5)    He is jealous on his Friends success.

   6)    She listened to his speech on the radio.

   7)    He fell off the cycle.

   8)    She shouted at me in anger.

   9)    He is proud of his daughter.

   10)  I prefer coffee to tea.

   11)  I have stayed here for five days.

   12)  The old man died of heart failure.

   13)  I was going along the road.

   14)  You must cope with the demands to the emerging society.

   15)  I turn off the TV, when I don’t like the programme.

   16)  The lecture went on to explain the next point.

   17)  His friends congratulated Bhasker on his winning the first prize.

   18)  The child has been missing since yesterday.

   19)  He walked on the end of the street.

   20)  Your success depends on the efforts you put in.

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